Dr. Hoverman's grandmother, who enjoyed life through the age of 96, raising 11 children, loving 30 grand children, 50 great grandchildren as of this writing, and over 7 great great grandchildren, shared with Dr. H. that Granny Smith (or other tart) apples (and some of their peel!) are the secret to a great apple pie. Like that special ingredient, we aim to be the secret to your great writing products - specifically grants and proposals.
Known for many health benefits, Granny Smith apples are one of the best fruits you can eat. We pride ourselves on being one of the best writing companies you can engage with in pursuing funding and winning business.
Finally, this logo also represents some of our inspiration - in addition to a great matriarch - two companies whose best practices and sense of humor we hope to emulate - Apple Corps (for a look at their awesome logo, that has stood the test of time (50 years this year!) scroll to the bottom of the landing page) and Apple, Inc.